Author Archives: Bren

Unity Tutorial 2 – Jumping and running using CharacterController

In this video, we use the CharacterController.Move() function, and add jumping and running to the basic player character navigation started in the last video.

The Unity package for this tutorial can be downloaded from

Unity Tutorial 1 – Basic player character navigation using CharacterController

I uploaded the first of what I hope/plan to be a series of video Unity Tutorials.

In this video, we implement basic player character navigation using a CharacterController Component, its SimpleMove() function, and a simple Camera for first or third person games.

The Unity package for this tutorial can be downloaded from

Top Down Shooter Kit for Unity 3

The Top Down Shooter Kit contains all the C# scripts you need to create top down shooter games using Unity! Source code is clear, well commented, and full of best pratices learned from years of game and Unity development experience! Get Unity and the Top Down Shooter Kit, and start making games you want to play!

You can play a demo of the Top Down Shooter Kit onĀ Kongregate.

The Top Down Shooter Kit is available from:

The Unity Asset Store

AdvancedRagdoll for Unity 3

AdvancedRagdoll is a C# script that synchs standard Unity 3 ragdolls with animated meshes, allowing seamless transitions, both when creating a ragdoll from an animated mesh, and when blending from a ragdoll back to an animated mesh.

AdvancedRagdoll is available from:

The Unity Asset Store

You can see a demo video of the AdvancedRagdoll in action here.